Daily Reading - Friday, August 12 2013

Message handlers scoped per route in ASP.NET Web API

Glimpse 1.6.0 released
Add server clock time to HUD, sometime there is a difference between client and server time.

Language Wide Features CSS

Group and Display Data with Underscore and AngularJS

Easily A/B Test Your Website's Call-to-Action Using Content Experiments API

I'm 13 and None of My Friends Use Facebook

In the end, Facebook has been trying too hard. Teens hate it when people try too hard; it pushes them away. It’s like if my mom told me not to do something — I immediately need to do it. When she forces something on me, I really don’t want to do it.
Teens just like to join in on their own. If you’re all up in their faces about the new features on Facebook, they’ll get annoyed and find a new social media.

The Importance of Realism in Startups

95 Ways to find your first customers for customer development or your first sale

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