Daily Reading - Friday, July 05 2013

Cool New APIs in Windows 8.1 #1: WebView for HTML
It allows the app to invoke script within the webview and the webview to raise events to the app. It's pretty cool. See more msdn WebView

Top Reasons Developers Should Use Windows Azure Mobile Services

DataStax's Cassandra C# Driver is now final

This C# driver also comes with an ADO.NET module to make it simpler to integrate with existing applications or libraries and a Linq module to improve developer productivity.

Visual Studio 2013 Heap View

Puma vs Phusion Passenger

Async/Await – Performance Overheads and Other Pitfalls

Windows and Line of Business Applications: No Good Options
WinRT is not ready, and it's not full .NET. Silverlight is dead. WPF is no improvement. The future of LOB app is HTML5. WebGL, Canvas, WebSocket, WebWorker... make web site more application friendlier. Typescript, Dart allow to write a large scale web app.

Elon Musk Explains the Fallacy of Learning from Failure

"Failure sucks. If anyone tells you they learn more from failure than success, then they’re wrong. You learn more from success. There are many more ways to fail than there are to succeed. If you've found the one thing that succeeds, that’s great."

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